This enum is used to represent the type of relationship between a Beneficiary and a Primary Entity.

BRANCHOFFICERepresents an office or location that is part of a larger company but operates semi-independently.
SPOUSERefers to the legally married partner of an individual.
BUSINESSPARTNERIndicates a person or entity that shares ownership of a business or is engaged in a business venture with another.
PARENTRefers to one's biological or adoptive parent.
FRIENDDenotes a non-legal, personal relationship based on mutual affection outside professional or familial ties.
HOLDINGCOMPANYA type of business entity that exists solely to own shares of other companies to form a corporate group.
SUPPLIERA person or company that provides goods or services to another entity under terms specified in a contract.
EXSPOUSERefers to a person to whom one was formerly legally married but is now divorced.
CHILDRENRefers to one's biological or legally adopted children.
FRANCHISEEDenotes an individual or company that has been granted the right by another business (the franchisor) to use the franchisor's branding and model to conduct business.
NOTRELATEDIndicates no formal or recognized legal, familial, or business relationship exists.
SELFRepresents oneself; used in contexts where an individual acts on their own behalf.
CUSTOMERA person or entity that purchases goods or services from another business.
EMPLOYEEAn individual who is hired to provide services to a company on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and does not provide these services as part of an independent business.
SUBSIDIARYCOMPANYA company that is completely or partly owned and wholly controlled by another company (known as the parent company).
CREDITORAn entity or person to whom money is owed by another entity or person.
DEBTORAn entity or person who owes money to another.
SIBLINGRefers to a brother or sister, either full or half.
RELATIVERefers to a family member who is not directly a parent, sibling, or child.