Account Type

DefaultThe default account, also known as the main wallet account.
SettlementThe settlement account is primarily used for card acquiring and third-party electronic wallet payment gateway settlements. It records transactions and facilitates related settlements, ensuring accurate tracking and reconciliation of received payments.
BankAn account linked with an IBAN or account number, functioning as a conventional bank account capable of receiving and making payments, often connected to a Bank Account on the backend.

Account Object

idstringThe unique identifier for the account.
typestringThe type of the account (e.g., DEFAULT, SETTLEMENT, BANK).
asset_typestringThe type of asset held in the account. See Supported Currencies .
balancefloatThe total balance of the account.
frozen_balancefloatThe portion of the balance that is currently frozen and cannot be used.
reversed_balancefloatThe portion of the balance that is reserved.
account_numberstringThe internal account number, if applicable.
friendly_namestringA user-friendly name for the account, if provided.
bank_accountobjectThe associated bank account, if applicable.
statusstringThe current status of the account (e.g., Active).
availabledecimalThe available balance for transactions, excluding frozen and reserved funds.

BankAccount Object

bank_namestringThe name of the bank where the account is held.
bank_accountstringThe specific bank account number or IBAN used for international and domestic transfers.
bank_bicstringThe Bank Identifier Code (BIC) or SWIFT code, which uniquely identifies the bank in international transactions, ensuring correct routing of funds.


	"id": "9ca1b6c1-8b94-41e9-bd17-549ba56563d7",
	"type": "Default",
	"asset_type": "EUR",
	"balance": 16237.15,
	"frozen_balance": 539.5,
	"reversed_balance": 0,
	"account_number": "2001004",
	"friendly_name": "EUR-2001004",
	"bank_account": {
		"bank_name": "TEST Bank Company",
		"bank_account": "BE83977103563715",
		"bank_bic": "INCEXEWTXX"
	"status": "Active",
	"available": 15697.65