
app_idstringThe unique identifier for the payment application.
payment_method_typestringThe method by which the payment will be made. Options include cryptocurrency, card, skrill, etc.
invoice_idstringThe unique identifier for the generated invoice from UniPayment.
order_idstringA unique identifier for the merchant's order. Using a unique order ID helps in matching it with the invoice ID.
price_amountfloatThe amount to be collected from the buyer, as specified in the request.
price_currencystringThe currency in which the invoice is priced, as specified in the request.
networkstringThe specified blockchain network through which the buyer will send the payment. (Applicable for cryptocurrency payments)
addressstringThe blockchain address to which the buyer will send the payment. (Applicable for cryptocurrency payments)
pay_amountfloatThe amount that the buyer will pay, specified in the pay currency.
pay_currencystringThe currency in which the buyer will make the payment. This can be either a cryptocurrency or a fiat currency.
exchange_ratefloatThe exchange rate between the price currency and the pay currency at the time of the invoice creation.
paid_amountfloatThe amount that has been paid by the buyer so far.
refunded_price_amountfloatThe amount that has been refunded to the buyer, if any.
create_timedatetimeThe timestamp when the invoice was created.
expiration_timedatetimeThe time window during which the invoice can be paid. After this time, the invoice status will change to expired.
confirm_speedstringThe speed at which blockchain confirmations are processed. (Applicable for cryptocurrency payments)
host_to_host_modebooleanIndicates if HostToHost mode is enabled. Returns true if enabled
host_to_host_dataobjectContains payment details when HostToHost mode is enabled. Structure varies by payment method. See Details.
statusstringThe current status of the invoice. See Invoice Status.
error_statusstringThe error status of the invoice, if any. This indicates any issues encountered during the invoice processing.
invoice_urlstringThe URL of the invoice, which can be used by the merchant for checkout or to prepare their own checkout page using the response data.